The Advent season is fast approaching, and we need your help to make our church look as festive as ever! If you’ve been part of Coram for a while, you know how much we love Christmas. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve our church family by creating a warm and joyful space. Many hands make light work, and there’s a LOT of work to be done! No decorating experience needed - just a willingness to come and help where needed. Sign up below!

Sunday, November 24

[Sold Out]
[Sold Out]

Monday, November 25

[1 remaining]
[2 remaining]
[5 remaining]

Tuesday, November 26

[6 remaining]
[4 remaining]

Thursday, January 2 (DECOR TEAR-DOWN)

For Christmas Decor Tear-Down, lunch & snacks will be provided for all who come to serve.
If you have a truck or trailer, please let Nette Yabeny know.

[12 remaining]
[15 remaining]

Friday, January 3 (DECOR TEAR-DOWN)

For Christmas Decor Tear-Down, lunch & snacks will be provided for all who come to serve.
If you have a truck or trailer, please let Nette Yabeny know.

[11 remaining]
[13 remaining]
RegFox Event Registration Software